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Juka Bowl Terms & Conditions

1: Rules


  • Participating team members must join the HisandHersLive     

  • Discord (

  • Minimum of one female is required per team

  • Using any cheats, hacks, or other third party "helper" applications in playing matches is strictly prohibited 

  • Colluding with other teams in playing matches is strictly prohibited

  • Taking advantage of known exploits in the game (it is the responsibility of players to understand and avoid all current illegal exploits) is strictly prohibited

  • Abusive or disorderly behavior, including any use of harassing, negative, or profane language online is strictly prohibited (toxic behavior towards other participants of the tournament). Team sponsors in conjunction with HisandHersLive will judge behavior

  • Stream Sniping is strictly prohibited

  • Smurfing and/or Smurf accounts are strictly prohibited (See Section 7)

  • Teams must connect to designated server(s) and show on stream this be provided prior to tournament start time

  • Teams must type provided code to verify the screenshot this will be announced on stream prior to tournament start

  • First Match can be launched at 10:00 PM Eastern

  • Any match entered before 11:29 PM Eastern may be finished out

  • PC is required to play on any North American Server

  • Console (Xbox and PlayStation) is required to play on the specified server which is given out prior to the tournament beginning via Discord (



2: Score Submission

  • Submit your top three (3) games with the highest kills 

  • Three screenshots must be submitted as follows:


  • Each screenshot must contain the code word given out by Juka and Andrew via their stream (

  • Each screenshot must be from 3 different game

  • The Screenshots must be from within the allocated time and date of the Juka Bowl

    1. Screenshots are submitted after the tournament stop time

    2. The score submission form can be found on the RCO-eSports website under the Juka Bowl sub-category "Score Submission"

    3. By not following any of the required instructions can result in immediate disqualification


3: Point System

  • 1st place = 10 points

  • 2nd place = 4 points

  • 1 kill = 1 point

4: Prizes

  • Flight A: 


  1. 1st $150

  2. 2nd $90


  • Flight B: 


  1. 1st $90

  2. 2nd $45

For example, if 30 teams enter scores 1st and 2nd place would be Flight A and then 16th and 17th would be Flight B. Flight A would be top 15 teams and Flight B would be bottom 15 teams


5: Payout Process

  • We will be requiring one person from team to give their PayPal email address via sign ups and then that person will be in control of distributing winnings to all team members 

  • Prize money will be distributed up to 1 month (30 days) of winning

  • Upon winning the team will be emailed that they won as confirmation


6: Streaming

  • You acknowledge by entering this tournament RCO eSports has the right to cast over the stream provided.

  • The person streaming is required to do the following:

  1. Be the Party Leader

  2. Show the server being played on

  3. Must not tab in and tab out and/or hide the screen at any point during the tournament

  4. VoD's must be enabled with access for any Tournament Official

  5. Stream title must include #JukaBowl and #RCO eSports

By not following any of the required instructions can result in immediate disqualification


7: Level Requirement / Smurfing

  • Smurfing is known as a skilled player of the game registering and playing under an alternate account that contains a lower Skilled Based Matchmaking rating.

  • Smurfing is not allowed during this tournament.

  • Minimum level required is 80.

  • The only exception to this rule is if one team member is under level 80 and the other 1-2 team member(s) are over level 200.

  • If this is the case, please email a tournament official (email at the bottom of this form) the following:


  1. Team Name

  2. IGN of the player under level 80

  3. Level of the other party member(s)

  • If found smurfing you will be immediately disqualified.

By agreeing to these terms, you are acknowledging that you and your team understand all of the rules listed above.

You and your team also understand by breaking a rule and/or not following a rule can result in immediate disqualification and/or being banned from all future Juka Bowl Tournaments.

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